If you are a college student looking for a part-time job and have a passion for teaching, then being a tutor is a great way to make extra money. If you are trying to decide whether or not to start a part-time tutoring business, you should know the pros and cons of tutoring.
As someone with a lifelong love of learning, Usher Khan works independently as a freelance science tutor. Today he shares the pros and cons of being a tutor.

PRO: You get to set your own hours, which makes it a great part-time gig to fit around your own studies.
CON: Prime tutoring times are usually going to be evenings and weekends. While you don’t have to give up all your free social time, you will have to fit sessions around your student’s class time as well.
PRO: Tutors will always be in demand.
CON: As a beginner, it might be hard to find clients at first. When people hire tutors, they are looking for someone with previous experience. Just keep trying, you’ll get there.
PRO: As a tutor, you’ll be earning more money than many other part-time jobs college students have. The more experience you have, the more money you can make.
CON: As a freelancer, you have to figure out how to file your taxes and do all of the annoying paperwork.

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