Juggling a part time job as a college student can be hard work. The great thing about tutoring is that you are able to set your own schedule and earn money by teaching a subject you are already interested in. One of the best ways to retain information is by teaching it to others!
Usher Khan is a medical assistant and registered orthopedic tech who also currently works independently as a science tutor for students in high school and college. He shares his tips for starting a tutoring business as a college student.
- Pick your area of expertise. What is your major at college? If you are studying an English, math, history, or science based course, pick one of those areas to tutor in. Those basic high school subjects are always in high demand.
- While you don’t legally need to have a certification to become a private tutor, look into getting one if you are serious about tutoring. Clients may ask for it, and having one can help you earn a higher rate and find even more clients.
- Advertise your services. Post on social media, or even print out flyers and put them up on your college campus. It may be a good idea to set up a basic website with information about you and your services, especially if you are going to offer online tutoring.
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