If you are applying to medical school or thinking about a career in medicine, then getting a doctor shadowing experience under your belt is a great way to see what the job will be like. It also looks really good on your medical school application. How do you actually find a doctor to shadow?

Usher Khan is a medical assistant and registered orthopedic tech who continues to pursue his education in medicine. Today he shares his tips for finding a doctor shadowing opportunity.
- Make sure your resume us up to date with all relevant information. That way you can send it out quickly if you need to. You want to treat shadowing opportunities with the same professionalism you would a paid job.
- If you are in college, reach out to professors or academic advisors and find out what opportunities you can get. If there is a medical school on campus, reach out to them.
- Contact your local hospital through their volunteer office. Introduce yourself, send over your resume, and ask if they have any doctors who would be open to a shadowing program.
- If you have an interest in a certain area of medicine, find doctors in your area who specialize in that area. Let them know why you want to shadow them specifically.

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