If you are a high school student who is going to college, you know that picking the right school is a huge decision. Whatever college or university you choose, you will be there for the next four years of your life. Odds are, you are also going to be investing a lot of money in your education, so you want to make sure you make a good decision. Between the location, quality of student life, and program curriculum, there is so much to consider.
Usher Khan is a medical assistant and registered orthopedic tech with a Bachelor of Science degree in Neuroscience. As a former student himself, he shares the top 6 best schools for a neuroscience degree:

- Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 5% acceptance rate.
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. 7.3% acceptance rate.
- University of California, San Fransiscio. 65.6% acceptance rate.
- Stanford University, Stanford, California. 5.2% acceptance rate.
- John Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. 11.1% acceptance rate.
- Columbia University, New York City. 6.7% acceptance rate.

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