If you are a high school student who is going to college, you know that picking the right school is a huge decision. Whatever college or university you choose, you will be there for the next four years of your life. Odds are, you are also going to be investing a lot of money in […]
4 Things To Know Before Majoring In Neuroscience
If you are thinking about college, there are so many majors to choose from. Neuroscience is a fantastic degree to go into if you love science, but there are some things you should know before you commit to this path. Usher Khan is an aspiring physician with a neuroscience degree. Today he shares the top […]
What Career Should I Choose If I Like Science?
If you are a high school student, or recent graduate, then you are currently faced with the daunting task of choosing what to do next with your life. If you have always had a passion for science, you could pursue a rewarding career in the field. But what options are actually out there for you? […]
What Is So Special About The James Webb Telescope?
If you have been online recently, you have surely seen the incredible pictures of deep space taken by the James Webb Telescope. Not only are these photographs beautiful, but they help us understand our universe in a deeper way. Usher Khan is a medical assistant and registered orthopedic tech who also works independently as a […]
How To Find A Doctor Shadowing Experience
If you are applying to medical school or thinking about a career in medicine, then getting a doctor shadowing experience under your belt is a great way to see what the job will be like. It also looks really good on your medical school application. How do you actually find a doctor to shadow? Usher […]