If you are someone who works in the medical field, you may be looking for ways to volunteer your time to people who need it most. There are so many places around the world that would benefit from having medical volunteers. Usher Khan is a medical assistant, registered orthopedic tech, and dedicated volunteer. He has […]
Why You Should Volunteer At A Hospital
Volunteering is such a rewarding activity, no matter what kind of volunteer work you do. If you have a medical background or are interested in learning about different medical careers you could have, volunteering at a hospital could be for you. Usher Khan is a medical assistant and registered orthopedic tech. As he continues to […]
Program Provides Healthcare To Refugees
Project Alajuelita is a program dedicated to providing healthcare services to thousands of Nicaraguan refugees and impoverished Costa Ricans. Usher Khan is a medical assistant and registered orthopedic tech. As he continues to pursue his education in medicine, Khan is passionate about completing volunteer work and working as a science tutor. During his Pre-Med and […]