Finding the right skincare routine can be difficult. There is so much advice out there on the internet, but everyone still have to experiment to find the right regimen. Everyone’s skin is different, after all. One big step in a skincare routine is exfoliation, but how often should you be doing it? Usher Khan is […]
How To Become A Neuroscientist
Neuroscience is an exciting, multidisciplinary field. It is a great choice for students who wish to continue their education in the field of medicine. Neuroscience involves the study of the nervous system and the brain. Usher Khan is a medical assistant and registered orthopedic tech. As an aspiring physician, he is passionate about learning, and […]
Why You Should Volunteer At A Hospital
Volunteering is such a rewarding activity, no matter what kind of volunteer work you do. If you have a medical background or are interested in learning about different medical careers you could have, volunteering at a hospital could be for you. Usher Khan is a medical assistant and registered orthopedic tech. As he continues to […]
Why You Should Volunteer in the Medical Field
If you have medical experience or are looking to apply for medical school, volunteering in the healthcare field is a great choice. Volunteering in general is wonderful for so many reason, and using your skills to volunteer in healthcare is beneficial for you and patients. Usher Khan is a medical assistant and registered orthopedic tech […]
Is a Degree in Neuroscience for You?
At this time of year, high school seniors across the country are enjoying their last summer before heading off to college. Deciding on a major and thinking about future careers is exciting as well as stressful. If you have been thinking about a career in science, then a degree in neuroscience might be for you. […]