If you are a college student looking for a part-time job and have a passion for teaching, then being a tutor is a great way to make extra money. If you are trying to decide whether or not to start a part-time tutoring business, you should know the pros and cons of tutoring. As someone […]
What Career Should I Choose If I Like Science?
If you are a high school student, or recent graduate, then you are currently faced with the daunting task of choosing what to do next with your life. If you have always had a passion for science, you could pursue a rewarding career in the field. But what options are actually out there for you? […]
What Is So Special About The James Webb Telescope?
If you have been online recently, you have surely seen the incredible pictures of deep space taken by the James Webb Telescope. Not only are these photographs beautiful, but they help us understand our universe in a deeper way. Usher Khan is a medical assistant and registered orthopedic tech who also works independently as a […]
Is a Degree in Neuroscience for You?
At this time of year, high school seniors across the country are enjoying their last summer before heading off to college. Deciding on a major and thinking about future careers is exciting as well as stressful. If you have been thinking about a career in science, then a degree in neuroscience might be for you. […]
What is the Fight or Flight Response?
There are a lot of things that happen in your body when you encounter a threat. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors had to contend with wild animals that wanted to eat them, threats from other people, and many other things that could kill them in the wild. Today, we still have the same response […]